Thursday, June 21


Literally gagging at my desk.
Currently eating steamed broccoli as part of lunch (I didn't make it - it's from a little deli in my office building).

This is pure torture.

Broccoli is disgusting.

So. A challenge for YOU, Mr./Ms. Reader:

I want to hear from you if you've found a recipe that meets the following criteria:
  1. Includes broccoli as the featured or co-featured ingredient
  2. Is not smothered in cheese
  3. You enjoy this dish so much, or are un-offended enough, that you make it on a regular basis

Bonus points if you are a person who DOESN'T LIKE broccoli.

Aaaaand, GO!

Saturday, June 9

If the veggie looks like a starch, is it still a veggie? (Veggies #6.6)

The veggie - Cauliflower.

I've never had a really strong opinion either way about cauliflower. Not after I figured out it was nothing like broccoli. But it also doesn't jump to my mind when I think vegetable, either.

The starch - Potato.

I don't really care for potatoes. It's a texture thing. If they're in chip or french fry form, I can tolerate them. And once in college they were so cheesy-creamy-delicious that I forgot they were potatoes. But yeah, not really a fan.

The magic - Steaming & blending.

My rice w/ steamer is a) adorable and b) super handy!

Blend, blend, blend, blend...

I steamed about half a head of cauliflower until it was good and mushy, then threw it in the food processor until it was like a pulp.

Then I added a little butter and Parmesan cheese (not much!) and put it on a plate and it's just like mashed potatoes! Except without the grainy starchy-ness of potatoes! AND there's even a little nutrition to the cauliflower, where as potatoes are pretty much all carbs.

Ta-daaa! We ate ours with a plate of fried fish & okra. But if it's a vegetable, it's good for you... right?
If there's a vegetable on the plate, it can't be bad for you.

Next on the cauliflower front, from my friend Jessica:

Friday, June 8

Veggie Office Help (Veggies #6.5)

It's becoming better known at work that I'm not keen on veggies. The fact that I live in the city, get regular exercise, occasionally bike to work, try to recycle, and know about how to eat healthy makes me a bit of an anomaly in the office, and most coworkers assume these hippie tendencies must also mean hippie diet.

Not so, dear office mates. Not so.

So I've garnered some support as of late and some yummy recipe ideas, too. And my good friend Mark often brings good to share (along with a daily chuckle) and he's very veggie-conscious.

He shared some sugar snap peas with me the other day with some hummus for dipping, and I have to admit it was a super simple and had a really delightful crunch to it.

So, I say this is Veggie Solution #5! (Halfway!)