Thursday, June 13

I got stung by a bee and it sucks.

Sometimes I regress to acting like a four-year-old. Often when I have a cold. I'm a big baby if my nose is stuffy.

I discovered on Sunday I also regress when I get stung by an insect. I'm assuming a bee, but I don't actually know. I know that IT HURT A LOT. And that my reaction was to repeat "Ow. OW. HELP, OWWWW" while trying to explain why I was freaking out. Then I just closed my eyes, held out my clenched hand and hoped that someone knew how to handle this. (Thanks, Tim for handling that!)

*pout face*

In a month, this week will be a blur. But for now, and for most of this week, I've been wallowing in ouchies and self pity. I got stung on my thumb — right on the tendon, that little jerk — and it has been swollen, itchy and sore for four days. I went to the doctor yesterday and she just said it was normal and I'd have to wait it out. The swelling has gone down a little today, but if I forget to take the antihistamines the itching comes back.

*pout face*

And I haven't gone to crossfit because 80% of the things we do involve pushing, pulling, gripping, swinging... all things that become very difficult if you can't actually hold on to anything. Even walking has been awkward, since leaving my hand at my side made it swell worse. I've been walking with my elbow bent, hand up by my shoulder like I'm looking for the absent towel after washing my hands.


*pout face.*

Normally I try to pull myself out of these funks. Stop dwelling on what I can't change; be positive; work through it. But frankly...

This. Sucks.

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