Tuesday, March 29

A note of clarification

I was chatting with my novio tonight and he accused me of the unthinkable! He claimed I had already completed things from my list, but hadn't checked them off. I was astounded. I questioned our relationship for a mere moment...

Until he rattled off the one to which he was referring, and it turns out it's true! I have already done one of the things on my list. BUT that doesn't mean I get to check it off. You see, that would be cheating!

Since I started my 30 Before 30 list there have been a few unofficial rules that I've casually adhered to. I feel they need to be out in the open if this blogger-reader relationship is to continue in a transparent, trusting manner. (Also, they're subject to change at any time, so I don't feel cornered.)

The first rule is that the tasks must be fresh and new; no official plans can have been made before the item is put on the list. For example, I couldn't add "Ride in the MS 150" because the novio and I are already planning to do that this September - the registration fee has been submitted. However, as is the case with tonight's confrontation, I can add things that I have already done if I want to do them again. The catch is that it has to be something I wouldn't normally do, something that is still just an idea or dream.

The second rule is I can add to the list but only if it's cooler than something else on the list. I've yet to run in to this problem. It took me a loooooong time to put those last three ideas down, and I haven't thought of anything else yet. (Though, suggestions are always entertained!) [Side note: While I was writing my list, this rule would have been no looking at other people's lists before yours is finished. The 30B430 List should be things that YOU truly want to do, so go do some soul-searching and keep your eyes on your own paper!]

The third rule, no retroactive list-checking! If it turns out I had amnesia as a child and my parents burned all of the pictures from our wonderful, Ellen-centric trip to Disneyworld, that's too bad! No checking! I have to go again so that all of the suppressed feelings towards Donald Duck come rushing back in a wave of confusion and oversized pretzels. (If that's even what they have at Disneyworld... are there pretzels at Disneyworld?)

There will probably be more rules to come and/or go. But for now, three unofficial and relatively flexible rules will do.

Sunday, March 27

The List

Perhaps you've heard of this before - a list of thirty things to do before you turn 30 years old - but two years ago I hadn't. I was volunteering abroad and a housemate introduced me to the idea; I was hooked! 

It probably helped that at the time 30 seemed practically unattainable. I was 23, fresh out of college, jobless due to the then-recent economic plunge into darkness (hence the volunteering abroad), and living off of my (meager) life savings in a foreign country. Life was a coming-of-age novel and I was reading under the covers.

Now, suddenly, it's two years later and I've only ticked off two items on my checklist. This isn't to say the last two years have been boring by any means, but I will admit they seemed to have lacked focus. I have a great job and loving friends and family, but seem to need a good challenge.

I have 28 items and 5 years. That's pretty much 6 things each year. Time to get a move on! So, without further ado, I present to you...

The List. (in the order i thought of them)
1. Learn a 3rd language conversationally
     1a. Visit a country where that language is spoken, and have a conversation!
2. Visit Europe Honeymoon check! (I'll spare you the details) July-Aug 2012
      2a. Get to as many of these as possible: Italy, Spain, UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, Scotland.
3. Buy a car That-escalated-quickly check. December 2012
4. Know how to change important fluids in my car
      4a. Oil, windshield washer fluid, radiator fluid, other?
5. Bake a cake from scratch (BONUS: without a recipe)
6. Scuba dive Update 7/9/2012: Learn to cook 10 vegetables in a way that I will like
      6a. Has to be healthy-ish. (Basically: cannot be smothered in cheese.)
7. Take my parents on a trip where they pay for nothing (other than their souvenirs)
8. Sew my own dress (one that I’ll actually wear!) I-feel-pretty-when-I-twirl check! July 2011
9. Start my own translation business
10. Skinny Dip (anywhere!)
11. Paint something on a canvas with real paint
12. Cook a turkey
13. Rent a fun car for a weekend and/or road trip
      13a. No specific destination
14. Take my niece on an “aunt/niece” outing
15. Improve my relationship with my sister – be more than sisters; be friends.
16. Go to Ellis Island to look up my families
17. Get caught in the rain and instead of getting mad, run around and enjoy it! Soggy Check! June 24, 2011
18. See the Northern Lights
19. Go to Disneyland or World Princess Check! June 25, 2011
20. Make scrapbooks for the major trips I go on
21. Ride a tandem bicycle
22. Design an advertisement or save-the-date for someone
23. Volunteer abroad – Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia Update 2/4/2013: Go car-free one day/work week
24. Go back to school to get a graduate degree
25. Learn to drive a motorcycle
      25a. Ride in Bikers for Babies!!
26. Play in a concert band again   Chiggity Check!! August 2010
27. Plan one day each week to eat vegetarian
28. Run in a 5k Check! July 17, 2010
29. Sky dive
30. Plant and maintain a garden for at least one summer